Become a member
If you share our aims and want to help us in our work, why not become a member of the Trust? Just click on the “Become a member” link to start your application online or download the form to do it on paper.
Membership costs per year are:
- Individual £10
- Senior Citizen £8
- Under 18 £8
- Family £15
- Corporate £20 minimum
Or you can become a Life Member for £120.
Online you can pay by Paypal or by debit/credit card. The paper form gives details of payment by cheque and standing order.
If you are a UK taxpayer, ticking the Gift Aid box will let us claim an extra 25% back from the government at no expense to you.
As a member of the Trust you will get a copy of our newsletter, by email or post, roughly three times a year. You will also know that you are supporting our work whether or not you become involved through volunteering.
We will keep your details on an electronic database. You can request a copy of that information at any time. We will never pass it on to any third party and, if you don’t want to carry on being a member, we will delete your record.